His Table, Our Home

welcomed | renewed | sent

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Our weekly gathering around Christ’s table is the heartbeat of our Church’s mission “to receive and reorient everything around life in Christ.” At this feast, God our Father warmly embraces us alongside sisters and brothers from every tribe and nation – the rich and poor, the young and old, the weak and strong. At his table, God welcomes us, renews us, and sends us.

Our response is to reorient our lives around his life in us. Having been welcomed, we welcome. Having been renewed, we renew. Having been sent, we go. His Table, Our Home is a vision for our church family to live deeply into the welcome, renewal, and sending of Christ.

  • Welcoming: We want to build a small addition to our building to ensure that all, young & old, strong & weak, everyone, can be welcomed to his table, our home. This addition will include a lift and renovated, spacious, safe stairs. This is a pressing need for 20% of our Advent family with mobility limitations, but also improves safety for our elders, our kids, and our honored guests from the community. We envision a future where our home is not a significant barrier or danger for welcoming God’s people of all ages and physical conditions to his table.

  • Renewing: Around the Lord’s table we receive him in Spirit, word, and sacrament, and so we are renewed (2 Cor 5:17). We believe physical things like bread, wine, and even buildings can be charged with God’s grace, and so we desire our home – his table at the heart – to participate in this renewal as a testament to what God does in and through his people. We will build into this legacy by investing in urgent safety/maintenance items (stained glass, brick work, electrical/plumbing upgrades, HVAC, etc.) and a host of other building use and beautification improvements: The addition will also include a new ground-level 7th avenue entrance and welcoming vestibule, two new accessible upstairs restrooms, remodeled downstairs restrooms, a prayer room, increased parish hall space, and a new door offering easy access to a revamped playground. We envision a future where our home endures for centuries as a beautifully renewed sacred space where sons and daughters marry, children are baptized, and elders are laid to rest.

  • Sending: Feasting at his table ends in being sent to share renewal with his world. We want to grow into generous support of God’s mission by giving away 15% of our annual budget, shared across our diocesan tithe, regional church planting, and local and international mission.

Cost: We estimate needing to raise a total of $600,00 - $700,000 dollars (subject to securing grants) to fund this vision.

Advent was planted twelve years ago, and through the years thousands of sinners have been welcomed with grace at his table. The spiritually hungry and weak have been renewed in his strength. Ordinary people have been sent on his mission. This has only happened by God’s grace and by so many who have been faithful to generously support our mission.

Our vision now is to build on our already beautiful legacy, flourishing into another decade of receiving and reorienting everything around life in Christ: Our hearts, our resources, and our home. As many churches close their doors or wander from Christlikeness, we seek to be a grounded, authentic, flourishing, faithful, and sincerely loving body of Christ – a thriving church bringing glory to God, bearing credible witness to our neighbors, and bringing blessing to our city for decades to come. We invite you to be a part of this future. Please pray and ask our Father if investing in this vision would be a wise and fruitful use of the resources he has entrusted to you.